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NTC Chip Measures Temperature with High Accuracy to Keep Laser Methane Gas Sensor Working Stably
2024/09/18 03:09:01

With the progress of science and technology and the development of society, methane gas monitoring technology has become one of the important means to ensure public safety and personal health. Laser methane gas sensor is gradually favored by the gas monitoring market due to its excellent monitoring accuracy and gas selectivity. As an component sensitive to temperature, the NTC chip can assist the laser methane gas sensor to work in a stable ambient temperature to ensure the accuracy of gas measurement.

The performance of a laser methane gas sensor is greatly affected by the ambient temperature, especially the central wavelength of the internal laser and the sensitivity of the emitter detector can change with temperature fluctuations. Therefore, a constant temperature inside the sensor is essential to ensure the stability of the measurement process and the accuracy of the measurement results. The NTC chip monitors the internal temperature of the laser methane gas sensor in real time, feeds back the temperature signal to the temperature control unit, and then adjusts the working state of the TEC to achieve accurate temperature control. In addition, the NTC chip also plays the following roles in the laser methane gas sensor:

First, temperature compensation: The center wavelength of the laser inside the sensor will drift with the change of temperature, which can easily lead to the deviation of the measurement results. At this time, the temperature can be compensated by the NTC chip, and the deviation caused by temperature change can be corrected in real time to ensure that the laser methane gas sensor can maintain stable measurement at different ambient temperatures.

Second, extended service life: In harsh environments, large fluctuations in the temperature inside the sensor may lead to performance degradation or even damage. The real-time monitoring and precise control of NTC chip can effectively reduce the probability of performance degradation caused by temperature changes, extend the lifetime of laser methane gas sensors, and improve their overall stability and reliability.

At present, most of the design solutions of laser methane gas sensor will use the gold electrode NTC chip of EXSENSE Electronics Technology Co., Ltd., because compared with the conventional silver electrode NTC chip, it has the following advantages:

First, excellent stability: The gold electrode is not easy to produce ion migration, and can maintain great performance for a long time in extreme ambient temperatures to ensure stable temperature measurement inside the sensor;

Second, high accuracy: It can effectively improve the accuracy of temperature control, assist the sensor to improve the quality of work, and maximize its operation efficiency;

Third, fast response: The gold electrode NTC chip is sensitive, which can obtain temperature information in time and transmit it to the temperature control unit, reducing the influence of ambient temperature on the laser methane gas sensor.

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